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2023 Holiday Home Tour Beneficiaries


Performing Arts Parents Association (PAPA) 

As a component of the Woodland Park Re-2 School District Foundation, the  goal of PAPA is to support all high school performing arts programs including theatre, band, choir, and forensics (speech and debate) while increasing  involvement by parents, friends and community. Funds raised by PAPA will be used to enhance and supplement each of the performing arts programs.


Rampart Library District Foundation
The mission of the Foundation is to support the Rampart Library District through advocacy and
fundraising to help ensure its long-term viability. Currently, the Foundation is raising funds to
provide professional grade space and equipment to create podcasts, films, albums, photography
portfolios, writings and drawings for the library users in our district.


Teller Senior Coalition
The mission of the Teller Senior Coalition (TSC) is to provide services to Teller
County seniors (age 60+) to enable them to live healthy, active, and independent
lives. We also provide transportation, h
ome delivered meals and other services
to residents of Teller County, Western El Paso County and Eastern Park County.

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Ute Pass Symphony Guild
The mission of the Ute Pass Symphony Guild is to present a FREE open-air concert in Teller County
to foster appreciation of and support for Orchestral Music. The concert is presented on the 5th of July
each year to a huge and diverse audience. This delightful event is a community project supported by
many businesses, individuals, and organizations.

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